Winnie The Pooh Quotes

Winnie The Pooh Quotes by Words:

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Winnie the Pooh Quotes B


Sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly know everything there is to be known.

Just because an animal is large, it doesn't mean he doesn't want kindness; however big Tigger seems to be, remember that he wants as much kindness as Roo.

It is hard to be brave, when you're only a Very Small Animal.

Promise me you'll never forget me because if I thought you would I'd never leave.

Eeyore was saying to himself, "This writing business. Pencils and what-not. Over-rated, if you ask me. Silly stuff. Nothing in it.

...if Bears were Bees, They'd build their nests at the bottom of trees...

When you go after honey with a balloon, the great thing is not to let the bees know you're coming.

Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering.

I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit. "No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just that something happened to it along the way.

Before beginning a Hunt, it is wise to ask someone what you are looking for before you begin looking for it.